LINCS Community Events for the Weeks of 05/15/2023 and 05/22/2023

Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 05/15/2023:

Live Session: Math Learning Circles: An Interview of a Successful Group

Description: Creating a community of adult math instructors can help increase practitioner knowledge. Eric Appleton will share his experience with a successful math learning circle for instructors and identify the tools you need to start your own. 

Presenter: Eric Appleton, City University of New York

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 2:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Math and Numeracy; Professional Development

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Math Learning Circles: An Interview of a Successful Group


Live Session: The Impact of Tutoring and Peer Mentoring in the Prison/Jail Setting

Description: Limited funding and adequate teaching staff are often the largest impediment to a robust and meaningful correctional and reentry adult education program. Join Emma Morrisey of the Petey Greene Program to explore the benefits of a structured tutoring and mentoring program alternatives to assist students behind the walls.
Presenter: Emma Morrissey, Petey Greene Program

Date/Time: Thursday, May 18, 2023, 12:00 pm ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Correctional and Reentry Education

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for The Impact of Tutoring & Peer Mentoring in the Prison/Jail Setting


Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 05/22/2023:

Live Session: USA Hello: An Introduction to Virtual Resources for Immigrant Students

Description: How can immigrants connect to the online resources they need to thrive? USAHello is a free comprehensive online center with information and education for immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and welcoming communities. Come meet Liz Basaca and the USA Hello team and learn about their multilingual GED, Citizenship, Work, Health resources and courses.

Presenter: Liz Basaca, USA Hello

Date/Time: Monday, May 22, 2023, 4:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Civics Education and Citizenship; English Language Acquisition

Online registration is required to participate in USA Hello: An Introduction to Virtual Resources for Immigrant Students 


Live Session: Advancing Forward with Digital Resilience: Reflection, Exploration, and Strategies for Growth (DRAW)

Description: Digital resilience—the awareness, skills, agility, and confidence necessary to be empowered users of new technologies, actively participate in society, and adapt to the ever-changing labor market—is increasingly essential for socio-economic mobility. Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW) is a federal initiative to curate and create flexible, evidence-based resources for building the digital resilience of adult learners. Join us and our guest speakers, Shakari Fraser, Jamie Harris, and Susan Finn Miller, to explore a range of DRAW resources.

Presenter: Shakari Fraser, Jobs for the Future; Jamie Harris, World Education; Susan Finn Miller, Moderator, LINCS Community English Language Acquisition Group

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 1:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Integrating Technology; Program Management

Online registration is required to participate in Advancing Forward with Digital Resilience: Reflection, Exploration, and Strategies for Growth


Live Session: Bias and the Brain: A Conversation with Amy Johnson from Project Implicit

Description: Have you taken the Harvard Implicit Association test? Join us for a conversation with Amy Johnson from Project Implicit to dig deeper into bias and the brain. We’ll also discuss strategies we can use to mitigate bias before it leads to prejudice.

Presenter: Amy Johnson, Project Implicit

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 2:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Online registration is required to participate in Bias and the Brain: A Conversation with Amy Johnson from Project Implicit


Live Session: Digital Storytelling for Better Writers

Description: What role does storytelling have in adult education? Can using multi-media storytelling build better writers? Join us as we explore the digital storytelling process with Laura Porfirio, including the important elements to consider when writing a personal narrative script. We’ll also practice sample writing activities and share resources for accessing existing digital stories as a guide for inspiring more authentic and relevant story sharing in our classes.

Presenter: Laura Porfirio, Elevation Educational Consulting Group

Date/Time: Thursday, May 25, 2023, 2:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Reading and Writing; English Language Acquisition; Science

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Digital Storytelling for Better Writers




*Please note: LINCS moderator-led events are not recorded, so we encourage you to participate in them as they happen. Certificates are provided for attending live LINCS events.