Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 01/29/2024:
Live Session: The Legacies of Systemic Inequities
Description: Many stereotypical narratives exist for why adult literacy learners are unsuccessful in earning a high school diploma. Those narratives seldom include the systemic roots that lead to generational poverty and generational illiteracy. Join our presenter, Greg Deegan of Teaching Cleveland, as he highlights the origins of stereotypical narratives. Mr. Deegan with provide practitioners with useful strategies to adjust their personal dispositions/biases toward adult literacy learners, and ways to support adult learners with stakeholders who misunderstand them.
Presenter: Greg Deegan, Executive Director, Teaching Cleveland
Date/Time: Monday, January 29, 2024, 3:00 PM ET (live session)
LINCS Community Group: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for The Legacies of Systemic Inequities.
Live Session: Better Serving Deaf Learners in Adult Basic Education and English Language Acquisition Programs
Description: Join our guest speakers from Gallaudet University's English Language Institute and English Department in a conversation about best practices for serving Deaf learners with varying levels of literacy participating in Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Acquisition (ELA) programs. This impactful discussion will include ASL interpretation. Please bring your questions and experiences.
Presenter: Gemma Gabor, Professor, Gallaudet University and Tonya Stremlau, Professor, Gallaudet University
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 3:45 PM ET (live session)
LINCS Community Group: Learners with Disabilities, English Language Acquisition
Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Better Serving Deaf Learners in ABE and ELA Programs.
Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 02/05/2024:
Live Session: A Civics Preview for 2024
Description: What challenges and opportunities do you look forward to in the area of civics education, citizenship preparation, and immigrant education? Join the discussion as we look ahead to 2024 and beyond.
Presenter: Jennifer Gagliardi, LINCS Community Civics Education and Citizenship Group Moderator
Date/Time: Thursday, February 8, 2024, 3:00 PM ET (live session)
LINCS Community Group: Civics Education and Citizenship
Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for A Civics Preview for 2024.
*Please note: LINCS moderator-led events are not recorded, so we encourage you to participate in them as they happen. Certificates are provided for attending live LINCS events.