LINCS Community Events for the Weeks of 09/09/2024 and 09/16/2023

Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 09/09/2024:

Asynchronous Discussion: Back to School Scavenger Hunt

Description: When was the last time you participated in a scavenger hunt? As we navigate the back-to-school landscape let's have a little fun while we tackle some tough questions regarding program management. Join us for the Asynchronous discussion.  

Presenter: Adrienne Fontenot, LINCS Program Management Group Moderator 

Date/Time: Friday, August 30, 2024 – Friday, September 13, 2024 

LINCS Community Group: Program Management

A LINCS account is required to participate in the LINCS discussion Back to School Scavenger Hunt. 


Live Session: Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners: Resources and Reflections

Description:  Join us with our guest presenters from the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy to learn about dynamic resources that support the whole adult learner and improve the quality, effectiveness, and comprehension of instruction delivery, with a specific focus on digital literacy. We will use case studies to walk participants through the new resources and training material found in the "Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners: A Resource Guide."

Presenter: Pam Cote, Senior Director of Curriculum and Training, Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, and Sarah Cacicio, Director of Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network,  Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy

Date/Time: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 2:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Integrating Technology

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners: Resources and Reflections.


Live Session: Guidance on Voting Rights of People with Disabilities

Description:  Voting is one of our nation’s most fundamental rights and a hallmark of our democracy. However, due to limitations in access, many people with disabilities have been excluded from this right of citizenship. Join LINCS moderators Michael Cruse, Moderator, LINCS Community Learners with Disabilities group, and Jennifer Gagliardi, Moderator, LINCS Community Civics Education and Citizenship to review the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal laws strive to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from full voting participation.

Presenter: Michael Cruse, LINCS Learners with Disabilities Group Moderator and Jennifer Gagliardi, LINCS Civics Education and Citizenship Group Moderator

Date/Time: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 3:30 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Learners with Disabilities; Civics Education and Citizenship 

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Guidance on Voting Rights of People with Disabilities.


Live Session: Ageism: Breaking down DEI Barrier for Workers 50+

Description:  Studies conducted by AARP and the Economist Intelligence Unit in 2020 found that age bias cost the U.S. economy and estimated $860 billion in GDP. The lack of training opportunities available to people over 50 creates skills disparities that reinforce employers' misconceptions about the viability of older workers. Join Jacqueline Korengel, Moderator, LINCS Community Professional Development Group in a discussion that will explore ways in which we can embrace and include older workers in adult education, overcome the labor force stereotypes of older workers, and demonstrate the advantages of promoting and supporting a thriving multi-generational workforce.

Presenter: Jacqueline Korengel, LINCS Professional Development Group Moderator

Date/Time: Friday, September 13, 2024, 12:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Professional Development

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Ageism: Breaking down DEI Barrier for Workers 50+.


Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 09/16/2024:

Title: Coffee Break: Meet the Moderators

Description: Are you new to the LINCS Community? Perhaps you haven’t visited in a while and want a refresher on the topical groups? Join this live event for a chance to meet and engage with several of the LINCS moderators! Learn about their groups, what they do, and their plans for the upcoming year. Bring your questions and ideas for topics you would like to see covered in future events or discussions. 

Presenters: Chrissie Klinger, LINCS Career Pathways and Postsecondary Transitions Group Moderator; Jennifer Gagliardi, LINCS Civics Education and Citizenship Group Moderator; Jeff Abramowitz, LINCS Correctional and Reentry Education Group Moderator; Susan Finn Miller, LINCS English Language Acquisition Group Moderator; Brooke Istas, LINCS Math and Numeracy Group Moderator; Jacqueline Korengel, LINCS Professional Development Group Moderator; Adrienne Fontenot, LINCS Program Management Group Moderator; and Steve Schmidt, LINCS Reading and Writing Group Moderator

Date/Time: September 16, 2024, 1:00 PM ET (live session)

LINCS Community Group: Career Pathways and Postsecondary Transitions; Civics Education and Citizenship; Correctional and Reentry EducationEnglish Language Acquisition; Math and Numeracy; Professional Development; Program Management; and Reading and Writing

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Coffee Break: Meet the Moderators.


Live Session: Strategies to Support English Learners with Entering a Career Pathway through Integrated Education and Training (IET)

Description: Come celebrate Adult Education and Family Literacy week by participating in our live event where our guest speakers Christy Schaffner, Ohio Department of Education, and Susan Finn Miller, LINCS English Language Acquisition Group Moderator, will teach strategies to support English learners with entering a career pathway through integrated education and training (IET). Ohio will share how data analysis has led them to focus on increasing IET programming, and ways they support learners to enter and complete training. 
Presenter: Christy Schaffner, Program Manager-Aspire/AEFLA WIOA Title II, Ohio Department of Education

Date/Time: September 18, 2024, 2:00 PM ET (Live Session)

LINCS Community Group: Career Pathways and Postsecondary Transitions; English Language Acquisition

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Strategies to Support English Learners with Entering a Career Pathway through Integrated Education and Training.


Live Session: Interview with Cynthia Bell - Best Practices and Strategies for Success in Numeracy Using the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles to Action 

Description: Join us for an enlightening presentation on "Best Practices and Strategies for Success in Numeracy Using the NCTM Principles to Action" as we interview Cynthia Bell, Director of the Numeracy and Workforce Development Service with the Literacy Assistance Center. This session is designed for Adult Basic Education (ABE) instructors to enhance their instructional skills, provide practical strategies for engaging adult learners, and offer valuable resources to support diverse educational needs. Don't miss this opportunity to align your teaching with established standards and improve numeracy education for your students. Register now and take the first step towards creating more effective, inclusive learning environments!

Presenter: Cynthia Bell, Director of Numeracy and Workforce Development Services at the Literacy Assistance Center

Date/Time: September 18, 2024, 3:00 PM ET (Live Session)

LINCS Community Group: Math and Numeracy

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Interview with Cynthia Bell - Best Practices and Strategies for Success in Numeracy Using the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles to Action.


Live Session: Interactive Grammar Presentations that Center Students’ Experience

Description: English language acquisition (ELA) teachers know that grammar instruction is an essential component of any adult ELA class, but how can we teach grammar to support learner engagement and inquiry? During this session our guest presenter, Will Linn, ESOL Specialist and Coordinator of ESOL Certificate Programs at the Literacy Assistance Center will introduce teachers to a discovery-based approach to grammar that draws on students’ experiences to support learners to see how grammar is a meaning-making tool for self-expression.

Presenter: Will Linn, ESOL Specialist and Coordinator of ESOL Certificate Programs at the Literacy Assistance Center

Date/Time: September 19, 2024, 3:00 PM ET (Live Session)

LINCS Community Group: English Language Acquisition; Science

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Interactive Grammar Presentations that Center Students’ Experience.


Live Session: A Look into the Future: AI in Correctional and Reentry Education

Description: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is quickly becoming the talk of the town and educational institutions across the country are considering ways to use AI to create stronger educational programming to meet the needs of their students. What does this mean for students behind and beyond the walls of our prisons and jails?  Join LINCS moderators as they discuss and explore the possibilities of using AI to support our educators, students, and administrators to create a better educational system for those involved individuals who are currently incarcerated and those who have returned home to their communities.

Presenters: Jeff Abramowitz, LINCS Correctional and Reentry Education Group Moderator, Ashly Winkle, LINCS Integrating Technology Group Moderator, Adrienne Fontenot, LINCS Program Management Group Moderator, and Erin Vobornik, LINCS Teaching and Learning Group Moderator

Date/Time: September 20, 2024, 1:00 PM ET (Live Session)

LINCS Community Group: Correctional and Reentry EducationIntegrating TechnologyProgram Management; and Teaching and Learning

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for A Look into the Future: AI in Correctional and Reentry Education





**Please note: LINCS moderator-led events are not recorded, so we encourage you to participate in them as they happen. Certificates are provided for attending live LINCS events.