LINCS Community Events for the Weeks of 10/07/2024 and 10/14/2024

Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 10/07/2024:

Live Session: Using Data to Inform Instruction and Program Processes

Description:  Join the Teaching and Learning and Program Management groups as we dive into data. How does the data available to instructors affect instruction? How can data be shared effectively between instructional staff and program managers? Come learn from adult education professionals across the country and leave with some ideas for what healthy data can look like in your program.

Presenter: Erin Vobornik, LINCS Teaching and Learning Group Moderator, and Adrienne Fontenot, LINCS Program Management Group Moderator

Date/Time: October 7, 2024, 2:00 PM ET 

LINCS Community Group: Teaching and LearningProgram Management

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Using Data to Inform Instruction and Program Processes.


Title: Books Behind Bars: The Importance of Reading in Prison

Description: This event will focus on the importance of reading behind the walls of our prisons and jails. In the corrections settings, one of the most important places for students to spend time is the library. Beyond the mere fact that reading helps pass the time as individuals are behind the walls, the library provides a link to education that every student can access in their journey through the criminal legal system. This event will focus on the importance of reading and how reading can be transformative for students. Best practices in reading pedagogy will be considered, and what types of books might help guide students in their educational journey will be explored. 

Presenters:  Jeff Abramowitz, LINCS Correctional and Reentry Education Group Moderator and Steve Schmidt, LINCS Reading and Writing Group Moderator

Date/Time: October 10, 2024, 3:00 PM ET 

LINCS Community Group: Correctional and Reentry EducationReading and Writing

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Books Behind Bars: The Importance of Reading in Prison.


Please see below for the LINCS Community events for the week of 10/14/2024:

Live Session:  Developing Online Materials Using Canva

Description: Is it time to refresh your online materials? In this coffee break, our guest presenter, Nell Eckersley, Director of Digital Equity Projects & Data and Digital Literacy Specialist for the New York City Support and Technical Assistance Center (STAC) will delve into the world of Canva to help adult educators enhance their instructional materials. You will explore several ways Canva can be used to create attractive well-designed materials that you can use in synchronous and asynchronous instruction. You will learn how to sign up for a free Education or non-profit account, how to access several templates including presentations, and how to download your creations and use them in your instruction and to promote your program.

Presenter: Nell Eckersley, Director of Digital Equity Projects & Data and Digital Literacy Specialist, New York City Support and Technical Assistance Center (STAC)

Date/Time: October 16, 2024, 3:00 PM ET 

LINCS Community Group: Science

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event Developing Online Materials Using Canva.


Live Session: Building Inclusive Teams

Description: This live event is for you!  Whether you are helping adult learners learn how to work effectively in teams or if you're struggling to build and maintain strong internal teams.  Our guest speaker, Andrea Horton-Meriçli from Diversifuse will share useful strategies for "Building Inclusive Teams". Please share with your colleagues and join us for this amazing and interactive live event.  
Presenter: Andrea Horton-Meriçli, Diversity Specialist, Diversifuse

Date/Time: October 17, 2024, 1:00 PM ET 

LINCS Community Group: Career Pathways and Postsecondary Transitions 

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event for Building Inclusive Teams.


Live Session: Artificial Intelligence for the Adult ELA Classroom 

Description: How can ELA teachers draw upon artificial intelligence to enhance their work? Join us for this LINCS event with our guest expert Rachel Riggs, Technical Advisor, AI and Emerging Technologies, World Education. Rachel will provide a brief orientation to the topic of artificial intelligence and its impact and use in adult education. Participants will gain and share ideas, tools, and perspectives to support the ethical, effective, and equitable use of AI in ELA classes.

Presenter: Rachel Riggs, Technical Advisor, AI and Emerging Technologies, World Education

Date/Time: October 17, 2024, 3:00 PM ET (Live Session)

LINCS Community Group: English Language Acquisition 

Online registration is required to participate in the LINCS Event Artificial Intelligence for the Adult ELA Classroom.





*Please note: LINCS moderator-led events are not recorded, so we encourage you to participate in them as they happen. Certificates are provided for attending live LINCS events.