Adult Ed Legislative History

From Tom Sticht, retired International Consultant in Adult Education and longtime supporter of adult learners all over the world:

Colleagues: In the United Kingdom, the Third Sector National Learning Alliance (TSNLA) web site reports that it “produces a monthly policy briefing called Policy in your Pocket. It contains summary information and links to everything that is going on in the world of adult education policy and funding, plus details of free resources and opportunities for development.” According to Amanda Pavon-Lopez, author of The Policy in your Pocket bulletin, it goes out to some 750 organizations involved in adult education and training in the UK.

I’m pleased to report that the Policy in your Pocket bulletin for December 2017 (Xmas 2017) includes a note about my new e-book. It states:

Start quote: “Free e-book on Adult Literacy in America

The Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) is promoting a new free e-book as a Research to Practice resource as well as a History of Adult Education resource. Written by Tom Sticht, retired consultant and President of the Applied Behavioural & Cognitive Sciences, the e-book The Struggle for Adult Literacy Education in America: A Trilogy Of Notes on History, Research, Policy, & Practice in Adult Literacy Education leads on from Mr Sticht’s interest in adult education internationally. The book will be of interest to anyone involved with offering adult LLN (language, literacy, numeracy) embedded into other areas of learning to motivate participation. It will also be a good read for those interested in the ‘multiplier effect’ where educating one generation impacts on others.

Download this! The book can be downloaded at (at the bottom of the page)” End quote.

To view the Policy in your Pocket bulletin for Xmas 2017 click on the following link:

To obtain a copy of the e-book directly from me just send me a message to the email address below and ask for it. I’ll then send it to you as a pdf file.