Energy Science: Teaching Energy Literacy to Adults

ENERGY SCIENCE:  Teaching Energy Literacy to Adults

This professional development opportunity combines a self-paced course with an opening webinar, ongoing discussion, and development of an energy literacy lesson or unit for your students. The core content comes from a new resource in the Literacy Information and Communication (LINCS, Resource Collection titled, Teaching Energy Literacy to Adult Learners. The self-paced course and resource explain the concept of energy literacy, and introduces the Energy Literacy Framework developed by the U.S. Department of Energy.  The course introduces educators to the Framework through videos and a wide variety of teaching resources.  As we move through the course, we will share our reflections, suggestions, and science teaching resources through a dedicated discussion strand in the LINCS Community of Practice.
Course Dates: November 17 to December 14, 2015
Webinar Date/Time: November 17, 2015/2:00-3:00 pm
Registration Deadline: November 10, 2015
Facilitator: Cynthia Zafft
Estimated Completion Time: approximately 7 hours total 
Expectations for the Course: Participants are expected to complete activities according to the course schedule, read all assigned materials and other resources, respond to discussion prompts,  and respond thoughtfully to other's postings. Participants must successfully complete course requirements to receive a certificate of completion.
Contact: Kaye Beall,