Report: Supportive Services in Workforce Development Programs: Administrator Perspectives on Availability and Unmet Needs -- IWPR

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This report presents findings from a national, online survey of 168 administrators of job training and career and technical education programs. It examines administrators’ perspectives on the role of supportive services such as child care and transportation assistance in improving program completion, the availability of supportive services across different types of training programs, the unmet support needs of job training participants, and sources of funding and cost-effective strategies for providing supportive services. The report was informed by expert interviews on the need for supportive services in the workforce development system and promising models for providing these services. It is the second report of a larger Institute for Women’s Policy Research project that is funded by the Walmart Foundation. The first report in the series, Supportive Services in Job Training and Education: A Research Review, presents findings from a review and analysis of literature on the importance, effectiveness, and availability of supportive services for participants in job training programs in the United States. - See more at: