Webinar: Roundtable on Data Science Postsecondary Education Dec. 8

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine invite you to attend the fifth meeting and webcast of the Roundtable on Data Science Postsecondary Education on December 8, 2017. This meeting will focus on "Integrating Social and Ethical Concerns into Data Science Education" and will bring together experts from academia, industry, and government to discuss how to incorporate ethical and privacy concerns into data science courses. For more information, visit the event website

For this event, you have the option to register as an in-person participant or as a webcast participant. Please select the appropriate ticket type so we can get a correct head count!

In-Person Participants: For those attending in person, we recommend taking public transportation, as public parking near the Keck Center is limited. The closest metro stops are Gallery Pl-Chinatown and Judiciary Square.

Webcast Participants: In case you cannot attend in person, we invite you to watch the live webcast. During the event, we encourage webcast participants to send questions for the speakers to Ben Wender at bwender@nas.edu, who will read them out if time permits. Please note that the afternoon breakout sessions will not be webcast - the webcast will only run from 10am-3pm. Register here.


Fri, December 8, 2017

10:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST


Keck Center

500 Fifth St. NW

Room 100

Washington, D.C. 20001