How Do You Use Your LINCS Community?

We are currently conducting a social network analysis of the LINCS Communities of Practice. One of the strategies being applied is to solicit input from community members themselves through discussion posts in the community.

We would really like to learn more about how you use the LINCS Community! Please share your thoughts on the following questions. Your input is deeply appreciated. Simply respond here by click on "Add a new comment," at the bottom of this message.

1) Please share some examples of how you are applying what you learn on LINCS.
•       Have peer-to-peer connections through the LINCS platform had an impact on your work?
•       How about specific resources that have been available on the site?
•       Please provide examples or stories so others can understand what has been useful to you and why.
2)  Does participation in the LINCS Community of Practice offer superior or unique value to you, compared to other environments in which you access peer advice or resources for adult educators?  If so, what specific benefits of the LINCS Community of Practice stand out for you and why?

Leecy Wise, Moderator,  Diversity and Literacy CoP



Leecy and other moderators: In response to the questionnaire posted earlier: LINCS is an excellent source of information and ideas in general. Recently in a panel discussion on ways to enhance Latino participation in career pathways and adult education, I learned some very valuable methods to help me in my own work. At the same time I was glad to be able to add my own suggestions into the mix.

Recently there has been a lot of information shared on technology for the classroom, a particular interest of mine. There is a lot to learn and fortunately we have some great teachers in the groups!

LINCS definitely offers a superior value in relation to educator to educator dialogues compared to other groups I have joined, for the reasons mentioned above.

Paul Rogers

Thanks for responding, Paul. Much appreciated.

Members of our community, if you would prefer to send me your responses directly, I will report them anonymously. Whatever your choice, please take a few minutes to respond to the questions being posed. Your input is valuable!


Leecy Wise, Moderator Diversity and Literacy CoP