Online Study Materials for Placement Tests?

Hello colleagues, Many learners are seeking to enter college or training programs where placement tests such as COMPASS, Accuplacer, TEAS, TOEFL, etc. are required. What online resources are you aware of to help students prepare for a particular test? It would be great to pool our knowledge to create a list of useful materials for the field, so thanks for any and all contributions.

Cheers, Susan Finn Miller

Moderator, Teaching & Learning CoP


Hello colleagues, A teacher in my program who prepares students to apply to an LPN program, recommends the TEAS Practice Test site to her students.  From the homepage students can access questions on reading, math, English, and science. Has anyone had experience with this site?

Are there other sites you could recommend for TEAS or other placement test practice? Thanks for your contributions.

Cheers, Susan Finn Miller

Moderator, Teaching & Learning CoP