Useful Ideas from COABE

As a young high school football, basketball and track coach I learned something from an older coach about conferences. If you get three useful ideas at a conference, then it was worth your time. What are some useful ideas that you learned about at COABE?


Judging by that alone, it was an excellent conference!  Here are just the first three that come to mind:

  • Discover surface area formulas through nets using colored pencils, scissors, and graph paper. – thank you Heidi Schuler-Jones
  • Sudoku for math in the ESOL classrooms. --- modeled exquisitely by Kristy Stoetz
  • Number Visuals (page 3) are soooo much better in a group.  ---- thank you, Adult Numeracy Network preconference team

Hi All, 

I agree the COABE conference was an amazing experience. I encourage everyone to browse the presentations at the following COABE Website.

Contact the presenters if you would like to learn more about their sessions. 
