Consensus Statement #3


  1. Do you think that any of these adults had a diagnosed LD? Yes. Since I am working with adult learners they probably were embarrassed or the work became far to difficult to cope with so they gave up. 


Two specific instances come to mind with I think about my students who have demonstrated an indication of a non-diagnosed learning disability. One, I once worked with a young man who could add, subtract, multiply, and divide pretty large numbers in his head. But, he struggled to learn other math concepts. He did learn other math concepts, and could demonstrate that he could do them by the end of a class period but, when he returned the next day, he did not have a clue how to complete the math problems. The second instance of evidence of a non-diagnosed learning disability happened quite recently. I had a student who insisted that I just tell her what was on the GED Tests so that she would "have it" and be able to pass the tests. Her LD, I believe, was in reasoning. She had no concept of the need to study, or how to study. 

  1. What kinds of significant intra-individual differences have you observed in the adults you’ve known?
  2. Do you think that any of these adults had a diagnosed LD?

 I have seen several adults in our classes who most likely have some sort of LD. The most evident is the wide range of test scores between subjects, such as really high math scores and really low reading/language scores.

Our students, who were previously in school during the 70s and 80s, are more likely to have not been diagnosed with an LD, unless the teacher had specific knowledge of LD. Most times these students were labeled as 'lazy' and 'slow.'

The kinds of significant intra-individual differences I have observed in the adults I have known are Attention, Processing, and Reading.  If we are engaged in a group lesson, I find that the smartphones are a major distraction from keeping the students attention.  As a result, they are unable to process and apply the information and activities prevented to them.

The older students trying to get their HSE (High School Equivalency) were not diagnosed as LD, but the younger students have been.


As an Adult Education and Literacy Instructor, I have several students who did not have a diagnosed LD but definitely have intra-individual differences. For example, one student can read and comprehend complex reading passages, but has difficulty with basic math skills such as subtracting and dividing.