Resources to Share from a Writing Training

I recently facilitated the LINCS training called Effective Principles and Practices for Effective Writing Instruction at a regional adult education association conference. Because it was a double session, we had a good amount of time for discussion and participants were able to share some of their favorite resources and strategies they use with their students when working on writing. I'd like to share the two that seemed to really resonant with the group. Please jump in and share yours too!


Short Films as Writing Prompts

One participant regularly uses the short films on this website as writing prompts for her students. They watch the films, discuss them, and then use them as the basis for a variety of creative writing activities. If you sign up, they will send you new shorts each week.


Providing Feedback on Student Writing Tip

One participant uses two highlighters to provide feedback on his student's writing. He found this tip somewhere and has been using it with great success with his students. It's called Glow and Grow. He uses a yellow highlighter to highlight areas of his students' writing that are really great. They glow when they receive the praise the yellow connotes. He uses a green highlighter to highlight areas of his students' writing that need improvement. They understand that green connotes areas where they need to grow in terms of their writing skills. The color is a very effective way to immediately convey his feedback, both positive and constructive, to his students. 

What are some of your favorite resources and strategies to help your students improve their writing skills?



Kathy, thanks so much for sharing wonderful ideas from the workshop raining you offered.

How about it, writing teachers out there? What ideas can you contribute to help us all learn more about this critical skill among our adults?

 How Dialogue Journals Build Teacher-Student Relationships, 2016, by Jennifer Gonzales, focuses on K-12, but the practice can be easily adapted to adults. In fact, our LINCS Resource Collection includes and article on the topic, which provides some history and tips of instruction, especially for ESL/ABE students: Dialogue Journals: Interactive Writing to Develop Language and Literacy.

One writing activity that my students used to really enjoy was our Dear Abby (remember?) exchange. Students provided both problems and solutions relating to a number of personal or other issues faced by them. Lots of fun.  Leecy