Resource for Learning about Micro-credentials

I want to share a resource as we begin discussing micro-credentials today.  Judy Mortude is with the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the Alliance for Quality Career Pathways.  She is also one of the panelists joining us this week to talk about micro-credentials, within the context of career pathways. CLASP works to "develop and advocate for federal, state and local policies to strengthen families and create pathways to education and work"  

Recently, CLASP along with the Lumina Foundation and more than 40 other organizations, started a dialogue on how to transform our diverse education and workforce credentialing system into one that is more student-centered.  In support of creating a space for this dialogue, CLASP has created a resource page, "Connecting Credentials to Improve Economic Mobility", which provides information to help understand credentialing in the context of career pathways, and the goal of creating a more interconnected credentialing system to improve economic mobility.

I look forward to learning more from Judy, the other panelists, and each of you, as we begin exploring micro-credentials.




The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd) supports state leaders in transforming education to unlock opportunity and lifelong success for learners.  ExcelinEd recently published the report, MICRO-CREDENTIALS A GAME-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY FOR STATES TO SUPPORT THE PROFESSIONAL GROWTH OF TEACHERS.

I found the section on How States Can Use Micro-Credentialing (beginning on p.4) to be thought provoking for educators across the K-Adult spectrum.  These ideas highlight Professional Development (PD) "moving from 'hours to outcomes,'" which is to say competency-based learning.  

Do you know whether your state is using, or considering using, micro-credentials to support the professional development of its licensed educators?  I'm curious to hear examples from states that are piloting and adopting micro-credentials as part of their PD options for licensure. 

Mike Cruse

Career Pathways Moderator