I Confess, I'm A . . .

Hi Everyone,

I confess, I'm a personal finance nerd. I read about an interview where someone said, "The best personal finance advice can fit on a 3-by-5 index card and is available for free in the library." See an example of this below:

This caused me to think: If we could distill the best advice about reading instruction down to what would fit on an index card, what would it be?

So, faithful community members, what principles of good reading instruction should go on the index card? Please respond with a sentence. 

I'll start the ball rolling with, "Learners should be given diagnostic assessments in alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension to determine their strengths and weaknesses."

Thanks in advance for your comments,

Steve Schmidt, Moderator

LINCS Reading and Writing Group





Emphasize vocabulary acquisition--the internalization of Greek and Latin roots and affixes and Tier 2 vocabulary words are essential.

Hi Everyone,

Our index card of advice on principles of good reading instruction continues to grow as both Marn Frank and Beth Rudd added some excellent thoughts! I added one more thing to our card below:

I know others have great advice to share too! What principles of good reading instruction should go on the index card? Please respond with a sentence.

Much of the advice so far sounds like the principles I learned as a STudent Achievement in Reading (STAR) trainer. Remember that new states can now join STAR, an OCTAE sponsored evidence-based reading reform initiative.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,

Steve Schmidt, Moderator

LINCS Reading and Writing Community