ABSPD Vocabulary Lessons in New Locations!

Hello Colleagues,

For our emerging adult readers in grade level equivalents 4 to 9, research shows that teaching Tier 2 (high frequency words found in many texts like complex, establish, and verify) using direct instruction is an effective practice. (Please see this video that models explicit vocabulary instruction.)

One free resource that instructors have used over the years has changed locations. Formerly on the now defunct ABSPD website, a set of 38 vocabulary lessons with a knowledge rating scale, easy-to-understand definitions, examples in various contexts, and exercises including sentence completions, yes/no/why questions, and read & respond are now available at this website

Quizlet Decks to accompany these lessons are also accessible. Don’t forget other free similar resources including the Adult Learning Resource Center Vocabulary Lessons, a set of 19 Tier 2 vocabulary lessons with ten words each.

  • How do you use these lessons to teach vocabulary in your classroom?

Thanks for your responses,

Steve Schmidt, Moderator

LINCS Reading and Writing Group


Hey Stephen and others, 

I just wanted to share that this resource has been featured as this month's CrowdED Learning "Resource of the Month"

We love how you've opened this up for wider use by applying for a Creative Commons license. This is exactly the kind of "ecosystem" we are working toward, where openness enables adaptation so that the resource itself becomes richer and individual users are able to apply it to specific contexts.

Thank you for sharing in more ways than one!