PD Video Sources

I’m always on the lookout for high quality professional development videos for teaching reading and writing skills. These could be recorded webinars or other teaching tools. 

One source for these videos is the writing instruction for adults video series from Minnesota Adult Education PD which are found here. This playlist contains eight videos including ones about engaging student writers in the virtual classroom, teachers helping teachers with writing instruction, and teaching writing in the age of AI. 

What is your go to source for PD videos on teaching reading and writing?

Sharing is caring,

Steve Schmidt, Moderator

LINCS Reading and Writing Group 



Hello Steve and all, One of the very best resources on teaching reading fundamentals to low-level adult readers is abc English, which I learned about from members of our LINCS community.  Jennifer Christenson, who developed the site, makes the section on teacher training free. 

I'm currently tutoring a young woman who did not have the opportunity to attend school in Honduras and had never learned to read in Spanish.  Since we've been working together over the past year and a half, she has been making steady progress in reading both English and Spanish. The resources available through abc English have been highly effective in teaching her the reading skills (phonemic awareness, phonics/decoding, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as well as spelling) she needs. 

We have many years of research showing that the reading fundamentals that are needed for low-level readers who grow up speaking English and for English learners are aligned. 

While the high-quality instructional materials on abc English are not free, Jennifer allows anyone who is interested up to 30 days to explore the materials at no charge.

Cheers, Susan Finn Miller

Moderator, English Language Acquisition Group

Thanks so much for contributing this site Susan and for all the work you are doing with your student. It's exciting to hear how her reading skills are improving!

I wonder if community members know of any free websites that provide resources for teaching reading to low-level adults?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Steve Schmidt, Moderator

LINCS Reading and Writing Group