
I am a new member of the group and have been asked to introduce myself. My name is Charles Peters, and I have worked at NJ's Mercer County Correction Center as a teacher for the last 8 years. I joined this group because speed, accuracy, maintaining and utilize empirical data when making assessments is paramount in my position. While all teachers have these needs my place of work creates transitional students with alternating schedules as a norm placing even more of an emphasis on the assessment process. I also have vocational experience with special needs and at risk populations where accurate assessments can be more important and even critical.


Nice to meet you, Charles. Just a few questions. What kind of assessments are you looking for? Are you looking for a tool that would allow you to create your own assessments or are you looking for pre-made assessments that cover specific subject areas? Would computer-based assessments be useful for you, and if so, do you need them to work offline since you are in a corrections environment?

Good Afternoon,


My name is Ethelind Baylor and I am a GED instructor/supervisor of our Inmate Computer Based Education Program in a correctional facility in Philadelphia. I have been teaching adult education for the past 4 years. I decided to join this group because assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about placement, advancement, instructional needs, and  curriculum.  Assessment's inspire us to ask these hard questions: "Are we teaching what is required?" "Are students learning?" "Is there a way to teach the subject better?"

I look forward to sharing and learning from others in the field.


Lynn Baylor