Assistance for English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL) Health Care Providers

I received a query from a local hospital and was wondering if you had any helpful hints.  

Occasionally, they will have a doctor/nurse who has a strong mastery of the English language, but due to their accent, voice inflections, tone of voice, etc., it is difficult for staff and patients to understand them.  They wanted to know if there was any program that could assist health care providers (who are E.S.O.L.) in being understood.

Thanks for your input!


Good question, Erin. It will be great to hear of any resources out there to help ESOL providers communicate effectively with patients, and I'd like to pose another question here for the group: What can patients do to if they are meeting with a ESOL healthcare provider and are unable to understand due to the accent, inflection, etc. As an empowered, yet respectful patient, what should one do in this situation? 

