Adult Basic Skills Program and School Accreditation


Is your adult basic skills program or school accredited? Could it/should it be?

In California, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the organization responsible for accreditation of K-12 schools, post-secondary institutions and not-for-profit, non-degree granting postsecondary institutions in the western states, has accredited well over 200 adult basic skills programs or schools, for example, recently the Calaveras County Adult Education Program

Are adult basic skills programs or schools accredited in your state? Is your program or school accredited? Is this something other adult schools or programs should consider applying for? Is the accreditation process worthwhile not only for the status it brings a program or school, but also for improving it?

It would be great to hear from you so we can all learn about accreditation of adult basic skills programs or schools, and share what we have already learned -- both the opportunities and benefits, as well as the challenges and drawbacks.

David J. Rosen, Moderator

LINCS CoP Program Management group