Building Persistence and Successful Transitions to College and Work

Good morning,

I had the opportunity to attend a COABE pre-conference session in March presented by Laura Weisel, Ph.D., “Redesigning Programs to Meet the Needs of the 21st Century – Research and New Innovations Tools”.   She distributed several excellent resources and materials during this session.  One resource of interest to program managers was entitled, “Building Persistence and Successful Transitions to College and Work – Research and Best Practices”.  The resource contained summaries and highlights of several websites, reports, and publications that focus on:

  • Persistence in adult basic education
  • Transitioning to postsecondary
  • Persistence in postsecondary and
  • Adult learner preparation for work

A website featured in the resource listing is The Adult Learner Persistence website:

( ).   This website provides a wealth of information including evidence-based strategies and program design and management issues.  Also included are recommendations related to various program components including intake and orientation, instruction, counseling and support, and student involvement.  Check out this informative website to learn more!

Over the next few weeks, I will share several of the websites and resources that Dr. Weisel highlighted and would like to hear about the practices, resources, and materials you have used to build persistence in your programs.  What other resources have you found helpful in addressing persistence in your adult education programs?