College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education

Hi Everyone,

I was asked this question this morning, and I could not answer.  I hope that someone in the Community can help.

In the College and Career Readiness Standards under the Reading Standards: Foundational Skills found on page 40, it begins with RF.2.   A RF.1. does not exist.  Is that a printing error or does a reason exist?


Meryl Becker-Prezocki, SME




I agree that The Adult Ed standards doc does not show the RF.1 but moves directly to RF.2 which deals with phonological awareness.
Note in the CCR for Adult Ed doc intro (page 2):  Thus, the CCSS were selected as the basis for the review and recommendations in this report. The report describes how these College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards can enable adult education programs to establish a framework for developing or updating their standards. The following questions guided the review:
1. What content in the area of English language arts and literacy (ELA/literacy) is most relevant to preparing adult students for success in higher education and training programs?
2. What content in the area of mathematics is most relevant to preparing adult students for success in higher education and training programs?
3. Which standards in each content area are most important for adult students?

Based on this Intro, maybe RF.1 was not considered among "most relevant" or "most important" to success in higher ed and training programs? This seems possible as the benchmarks are aligned to the CCSS but target only portions of the Common Core's total content.

In the K-12 Common Core ELA Standards document, page 15 of 66 you can find RF.1
The focus of this standard is print concepts. Here is the content of that standard:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
a. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
b. Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language byspecific sequences of letters.
c. Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.
d. Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Grade 1
1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word,capitalization, ending punctuation).

Hi everyone - I'm writing in response to Meryl's question about CCSS Standard RF.1 and why you don't see it included in the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, relaeased in April 2013.

In the process of selecting college and career readiness standards for adult education, panelists declined to select Common Core Standard RF.1. (It's not a printing error.)  The panel's rational for omitting the standard was: our ABE students already know basic concepts of print by the time the arrive at our programs.  Basic concepts such as follow words from left to right, know the alphabet, recognize spoken words are represented in written language.



Ronna Spacone

Office of Vocational and Adult Education

U.S. Department of Education