Consensus Statement # 3

I have had the opportunity to work with a student who loved read a variety of genre and was a gifted writer.  His stories showed his understanding of how to develop characters and plots.  He, however, was not as successful in mathematics. It was very difficult for him to remember math concepts covered from one day to another.  He was very frustrated with this and avoided doing math assignments.

He was not diagnosed with a LD prior to coming to my class.  He felt he was "stupid".


I have a student who is the opposite. He can do mathematics in his head and memorize strings of numbers (both skills are necessary in his job). However, he reads and writes at about 1st or 2nd grade level.

I can think of several students that come to mind here. I have one student who has difficulties with attention, reasoning, calculation, and social competence, and she has had a diagnosed LD. Another student has trouble processing and reading, yet she holds a factory job making almost $12 an hour. She also has a diagnosed learning disability. A male student has difficulty writing and spelling, yet is automotively inclined and owns his own busines..