Digital Literacy and Problem Solving Training

I presented the LINCS "Digital Literacy and Problem Solving" workshop as part of the train-the-trainer process at the NMAEA Conference in Santa Ana, NM last month. Fve trainees participated, and I have invited them to join us here to interact with other trainers in the same process.
In our follow-up Zoom session, the team had several suggestions, which I'll share here for more comments from all. It was a delight to work with this team, and NM is in the process of launching a big PD project for AE in the state. It's exciting! A team of 16 members from different agencies in the state will spearhead this effort. Yes!
  • Spend more time explaining the purpose of the presentation.In other words, more "warm up." Good reminder for me!
  • Include the information about the online materials for participants further up on the agenda so that they understand and so that those with computers can access if they want during the session. (Most participants did hot have computers, but a handful did.)
  • Discuss more different ways to use digital literacy, and provide more of a definition and context for "digital literacy," which some may not know.
  • While participants are walking in prior to the presentation, have videos playing with testimonials from students who have benefited from digital literacy (better reading, more access to info, problem solving, etc...) We will all keep an eye out for possible clips to use for that and keep sharing.
  • Include URLs to short sample videos in the conference session description and ask future participants to review prior to the session. Worth a try, for sure!
  • Share more actual, easy to read charts that show the relationship of digital practice to language literacy.

Thanks team. I love it all! Leecy