Diversity Issues in Adult Education

The Adult Literacy and Education (ALE) Research and Practice Wiki has invited us to participate in adding resources to the newly-created wiki section, Diversity Issues in Adult Education. Thanks David Rosen and collaborators!

I have formatted our initial page and added topics that would be of likely interest to our CoP. I have also added resources to each topic, but we need more entries to add to the feast!

Please take a few minutes to examine this new resource. If you are so inclined, either add entries right into the Wiki, following instructions on the sections home page, or send me the resources, and I will add it on your behalf. Feel free to suggest new topics as well.

Let's start developing a rich repository for helpful knowledge on supporting adult diverse learners!

http://wiki.literacytent.org/index.php/Diversity_Issues_in_Adult_Education - Diversity and Learning Wiki section
http://www.wiki.literacytent.org/ - ALE home page with other topics addressed.

My email: leecy@reconnectioncompany.com

Leecy Wise