Early Valentine's Day Idea

From Tom Sticht:

Colleagues: Next month, February, brings Valentine’s Day and an opportunity to advocate for adult literacy education by sending Valentine cards to policymakers, charitable foundations, and newspapers. One advocacy Valentine card that some have used in the past is made up from materials from the literacy programs operated by the military during World War II.  

I’m sending this message out early so you can make any plans you might have for using this Valentine’s day strip for educational and advocacy purposes. If you would like a template that you can use to print the original Valentine’s day cartoon strip from Our War in a Valentine card format just send me an email asking for it and I’ll send it right along.   Tom Sticht,  tgsticht@gmail.com

NOTE from Leecy: If you would like to read the entire message from Tom, go to http://oerinadulted.org/stichtarticles.htm. Leecy