Financial Literacy related workshops at COABE 2013

I am looking forward to presenting the following workshop at COABE 2013. Are you attending the conference? 


Tuesday, March 26th
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Blueprint for Community-Based Financial Education - Financial education is not typically taught in school so most adults only have the examples of friends and family to follow when it comes to personal finance. This can cause poor financial habits to develop, and these courses and websites aim to overcome this and teach positive financial behavior for all life stages and financial needs. The National Endowment for Financial Education is committed to the financial education of all Americans and aims to facilitate positive and sound financial decision making. 
PRESENTER(S): Mary Jeannette Schultz, Project Manager National Endowment for Financial Education and Priyanka Sharma, Coordinator, National College Transition Network, World Education


Priyanka Sharma 

National College Transition Network