The Financial Mysteries of Health Insurance

Does anyone know of any materials made for adult learners that address the finances of health insurance? Next month, the Affordable Care Act will kick in. States will be asking a lot of people with low literacy skills to sign up for ihealth insurance, and to choose between different plans. 

Thanks in advance!


CALPACT had a webinar earlier this week on engaging the population on how to use insurance. The first speaker went over commonly misunderstood terms and situations (health insurance literacy), and the second reviewed what Oregon was doing to engage the general population on changes coming with the Affordable Care Act. At the end of the webinar, they suggested a train the trainer module from the University of Maryland that went over how to teach about health insurance. This module is used on cooperative extension groups in select states. For some reason I had a hard time finding an online module, but I did find this page that includes words to review with your students-


Taken from:

CALPACT Webinar: Health Communication Matters! Applying Health Literacy to Health Insurance: How We Can Help Consumers

For related resources, please see:

Health Literacy Tool

Applying Health Literacy to Health Insurance - Resources


New Media Resources:

Listen to the webinar here

View the slides.


How exciting to see that someone mentioned our new health insurance literacy consumer education curriculum. Smart Choice Health Insurance is our core, research-based, consumer-tested curriculum.  We are offering educator trainings in association with state Extension personnel in multiple states.  We have three trainings scheduled in October.-- 9&10 in Beltsville, MD; 14&15 outside St. Louis; October 30&31 in Portland Oregon.  Information about the training and registration to become a certified educator is located at:  You will also see the new Consumer Workbook released this week.  Consumers who have the ability to learn on their own can use the workbook to make health insurance purchase decisions.  To those who complete the certification, we are offering additional consultative services, access to all existing and emerging materials and comparative reports based on data each educator submits to our evaluation team.  You can learn more about our curriculum at the above website.  Or ask me questions at  I'm Bonnie Braun, PhD, Professor and Extension Specialist and Faculty Scholar, Horowitz Center for Health Literacy, University of Maryland.