Funding opportunity for your state: Parents and Children Thriving Together

Dear Colleagues:

The National Governors Association, in partnership with the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), invites states, commonwealths, and territories to apply to participate in the Parents and Children Thriving Together (PACTT): Two-Generation State Policy Network.  See link for information on bidder’s webinar (in July) and application date (in August).

Outcome areas of focus:

  1. Family economic security
  2. Children’s care, education, and development
  3. Parents as care givers

Policy areas:

  1. Child care/early childhood education, linked to workforce development/postsecondary education
  2. TANF (alone, or linked to workforce, early childhood, and/or health/mental health)
  3. Child welfare (alone, or linked to workforce, early childhood, and/or health/mental health)
  4. Health/mental health (connected to early childhood and workforce opportunities)

Cynthia Zafft

Health Literacy and Postsecondary Completion Moderator