GED® Completion Rates

Program Management Colleagues,

In 2014-2015, there was a lot of concern about the new GED® tests and their higher standards. Now, three or four years later, is this still a problem, or 1) have changes by the GED Testing Service and Pearson, lowering minimum passing scores on some tests, 2) changes in teaching practices, and 3) teachers, administers and students adjusting to the new computer-based format and the new test content made this no longer an issue? Are your HSE preparation students who are preparing for these tests: 1) passing them at about they same rate that they were passing the GED® 2002 series tests? 2) Are they doing nearly as well? 3) Are they still doing poorly on the new test? If they are doing as well, nearly as well or better than on the former tests, what do you believe accounts for the improvement?

David J. Rosen, Moderator

LINCS CoP Program Management group