Have you seen these ...?

Hello colleagues, I hope you've had time to relax and have fun this summer. In case you may have missed some of our recent discussions, I wanted to highlight a selection of the interesting topics. 

TABE 11/12 with Advanced English Learners

  • If you have tested advanced English Learners with the new TABE, please share your experience with your colleagues across the US. This kind of networking is so valuable to the field!
    • What subtests did the learners take?
    • Did the learners finish the test?
    • What levels are you seeing?
    • For learners who also took TABE 9/10, how do their results compare with TABE 11/12?

Learner-Centered Approaches to Instruction

  • What does learner-centeredness mean to you?
  • What examples can you share from your practice?
  • What stands out to you in the learner-centered approaches put forward by Gail Weinstein?

Honoring Great Immigrants

  • Immigrant stories make wonderful content for the classroom. Check out this discussion to discover a valuable online resource for many inspiring stories about immigrants who have contributed to our country in significant ways.

Thanks for being part of this LINCS community! Your contributions are important!

Cheers, Susan Finn Miller

Moderator, English Language Acquisition CoP