How do you share LINCS...

Dear Colleagues:

Information sharing is an important LINCS service. How do you share information you learn about from LINCS with your colleagues or students? Do you have a private email list you post to, just email to colleagues when you learn something that may be specifically useful to them, post to a statewide e-discussion list, tweet the information or send it to a Facebook or other social media site, or something else?  How, and how often (e.g. once in a while, at least once a month, at least once a week, or daily) do you do that?"  Please feel free to email me directly.

Cynthia Zafft, Moderator


I send LINCS information out over our state e-list unless I find something that would only interest one or two people, then I send it directly to them. I probably send LINCS information out a few times a month.