How HSE Programs are Responding to the Difficulty of the GED® 2014 Exam


I would like to start a new discussion thread specifically on how adult secondary education programs are responding to the low pass rate (many/most) ASE/HSE/GED® programs are experiencing as they send students whom they believe to be prepared, to take the GED2014® series exam.

  • Some states have ramped up professional development for HSE teachers and some teachers are taking advantage of this
  • Some programs have added online and blended learning to increase learning time, often with an online curriculum that focuses on meeting the new, higher standards
  • Some programs, particularly those near borders of states that offer other HSE tests, are sending thir students across the border
  • Some states are offering more than one alternative HSE exam. For example, I believe new Jersey offers all three, and Tennessee offers at least two.

Which of these strategies has your GED® prep program chosen? Have you found other strategies? If so, what?

No guest experts have been invited to respond to these questions; it's up to you. If this is an issue that concerns you, join in. Ask your own questions. Offer your own strategies, or strategies you are thinking about. If you want to do so anonymously, email them to me and I will post them, although I encourage you to post your message yourself.

This CoP has been noted for the lack of participation of its nearly 1200 members. This is a great opportunity to change that. You can even do it anonymously. No excuses. Just join in, please.

David J. Rosen

Moderator, Program Management CoP