January 2020 Summary

January: Ends and Beginnings

In January, we saw the end of one decade and the beginning of another.  Likewise, Reading and Writing COP activity marked both an end and a beginning!

  • First, we bid goodbye to moderator Jeri Gue who promises to continue to be an active member.  Jeri, thank you again for your leadership during your tenure!
  • Next, we said hello to me (Steve Schmidt) as the new moderator.  I so appreciate everyone's warm wishes over the past few weeks!


Steve Schmidt's Introduction

I introduced myself in two posts. 

  • The first post described how I learned to read and opened a discussion about how our students' histories in leaning to read present challenges in our adult education classrooms.  A significant comment on the thread from Stephen Coleman described the "dismal" record the United States has in teaching reading despite researchers having shown us the best evidence based practices.
  • The second post centered on how I taught reading before I learned to teach using evidence based practices and asked members to comment on their reading teaching practices.


Flexible English

  • At month's end, community member and former moderator Leecy Wise opened a promising discussion on flexible English rules asking members to contribute resources for teaching grammar. 

Now that I know my way around the COP better, I look forward to more engaging discussions during a longer than usual (29 day) February!  


Pun of the Post  

What’s the difference between a  poorly dressed person on a unicycle and a well-dressed person on a bicycle?   Attire.


Thanks for being such an essential part of this community!

Steve Schmidt

Moderator, LINCS Reading and Writing COP