Join the Discussion!

Greetings, All! Be sure to join the "LINCS Suggestion Box" micro-group, found in the Integrating Technology CoP. The dialogue has begun, leading into the live discussion on Monday during our COABE LINCS session in Orlando, FL.

To join the conversation, go to the Integrating Technology CoP and click on "Join" if you are not a member already. Scroll down to the list of Microgroups, and click on the "LINCS Suggestion Box link. Select the Discussion tab, listed at the top. You are in!

There are two questions posed for your consideration. Be sure to join the session in that micro-group on Monday, 11 AM, EST to experience a live dialogue with participants at the COABE conference. "See" you then! Leecy



The link for the Integrating Technology CoP is

The direct link for the new LINCS Suggestion Box Micro Group is (Select the "Discussion" tab.)

Please sign in for the Micro Group before Monday at 11:50 EDT/10:50 CDT/9:50 MDT/8:50 PDT, prepare your answer to the discussion prompt there, and join in from 11:50 - 12:15 EDT for the live, real-time discussion with LINCS CoP moderators and session participants at COABE 2017 in Orlando, Florida.

David J. Rosen, Moderator

Integrating Technology, and Program Management CoPs