Journal Article: Review of The Open Door Collective: The Workforce Basic Skills Resources Collection

I am pleased to share an article from volume one, issue two of the new ProLiteracy peer-reviewed, online research journal, Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy. This article is written by Johan E. Uvin, Institute for Educational Leadership. 

The Open Door Collective (ODC) is a membership-driven, web-based resource portal for professionals in adult education, social services, and poverty reduction who have expertise in connecting adult basic skills education to employment and training, health care, and family and social services. Practitioners are the primary audience with researchers and policy makers being the secondary audience. This review will first provide an overall description and review of this portal, before exploring in depth an example of a resource found in the ODC. 

Download the full article here. It is encouraged to leave your questions in this discussion thread.