Managing program information -- what do you do?

Hello program manager colleagues,

This is a new discussion thread. Adult basic skills programs (basic literacy, ABE. ASE/HSE, post-secondary preparation, and ESOL/ESL) are often complex with multiple funding sources that have different reporting requirements; with internal and external communication needs, such as reminding staff and adult learners of meetings, assignments, tests, or program events; tracking adult learner progress; and other data management needs. Some programs have purchased integrated management information systems such as LiteracyPro or Sales Force, for just two examples. 

  1. What program management information system(s) do you use?
  2. How do you use it/them?
  3. How do you like it/them?
  4. Why do you like/not like it/them?

Someone, please begin. Don't wait. Others, please join in. A useful discussion will only be possible if we hear from you, After all, this is a community of practice. We can all benefit if we all participate; if few participate, we will nemefit somwhatl; if many participate we will benefit greatly. If no one participates, no one benefits.

David J. Rosen, Moderator

LINCS CoP Integrating Technology group