Millennials up next for PIAAC: Have you tried the test?

Dear Colleagues:

Wednesday, February 24th, at 11 AM is the next webinar in the RISE Webinar Series.  America's Skills Challenge:  Millennials and the Future explores the skills of those age16-34, found in the PIAAC data.  This presentation and discussion notes the growing inequality of opportunity in the United States and the impact this has on both skills acquisition and outcomes for both current and future generations. (RISE is the Research on International Studies in Education.)

To learn about past and future events, visit the PIAAC Gateway Calendar.  And, have you tried the online demo version of the test?  What did you think?


Postsecondary Completion Moderator



I tried the demo test and used skills that some of our students might need to hone like skimming and scanning, understanding the gradation (I hope that's a word) on the bar graph, and understanding math vocabulary - the use of the word "mean" instead of "average". And at least for the demo, a person would have to interpret what the navigation arrows meant since I didn't notice an explanation. It was an interesting experience.

I thought the vocabulary had a level of precision that students would need to understand and notice.  The navigation was most surprising to me, though.  I had to be careful about moving through all the screens and graphics available for a specific question (with some tabs at the bottom rather than the top of the screen), had to remember some information from screen to screen, go back to check information, etc.  It wasn't unrealistic, in fact, we all go back and forth between screens here in the LINCS COP to locate information.  It seems like "Navigation Skills 101" or "Tech Intuition Skills" would be helpful.  Anyone doing something like that?
