NPR Reports: What Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Could Mean For Education

National Public Radio (NPR) recently ran the story, What Artificial Intelligence Could Mean For Education, which asks several interesting questions based an A.I. computer system's victory over the world's best player of an ancient strategy game called simply, Go.

The following is excerpted from the full NPR article.

What could A.I. technologies do for human education? How should human education respond to the challenges posed by A.I.?  Pearson, the world's largest education company, has just issued a pamphlet from its research division titled Intelligence Unleashed: An argument for A.I. in Education.  

One great fear when it comes to the Pearson vision of AIEd is that we reproduce existing inequalities. Some students get individualized attention from highly skilled human teachers who use the best learning software available to inform their practice. Other students get less face time with lower-skilled teachers plus TutorBots that imperfectly simulate human interaction.

What are your thoughts on this article?  How do you think A.I. will impact our adult learners?  How is it already impacting the technology you're using in the classroom now?

Mike Cruse

Career Pathways and Disabilities in Adult Education Moderator