Online PD opportunity for ESOL Teachers and Tutors

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Below please find the EU Speak board's announcement on a free, online PD opportunity for teachers and tutors. Follow the link for more information or to register.


Online Professional Development Module: Reading in a LESLLA* Context – Starts 4 April, 2019

The EU Speak Board is pleased to announce a free, online module for teachers and tutors who work with adult learners, Reading in a LESLLA ContextThe module addresses reading from a psycholinguistic perspective. It is both theoretical and practical in its approach to exploring how the mind is involved in learning to read. Participants will be exposed to a range of relevant research, including new materials for word decoding, and will explore different ideas and methods of teaching reading to this learner population. Participants will also learn about simple ways of measuring student reading skills and will have opportunities to create pleasure-reading materials for their students. Participants will have time to try out some of these strategies with their students and to discuss the strategies they used and the outcomes.

Reading in a LESLLA Context is appropriate for teachers and tutors with little formal training or preparation for working with LESLLA learners. The module is hosted on a Moodle platform and is offered in five languages: English, Finnish, German, Spanish, and Turkish. It opens on 4 April and runs for 6 weeks. All those completing the module will receive a certificate.

For information and to register, visit

*LESLLA (Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults), refers to adult language learners who are learning to read and write for the first time in a new language. LESLLA is also the international organization dedicated to the research and teaching of immigrants and refugees who are emergent  readers with limited or interrupted formal education experiences.