Should the opportunities and dangers of cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin) be taught to adults in the U.S. ?

Financial Literacy Colleagues,

Should cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin) be taught to adults as part of U.S. financial literacy? It is being taught to children in Russia. See   What do you think?

David J. Rosen


I know the original post is dated, but cryptocurrency continues to pick up steam and I've noticed more and more willing to "take a chance" on it. Here's a good article in the USA Today that talks more about that. 

It's definitely a concept that has been hard for me to understand, yet; alone explain to somebody else I've had to do a ton of my own research to understand it.

For me, the greatest 2 ways I've learned how been:

  1. Watching YouTube videos - There are some great educators out there and others to stay away from.  The best overall channel I've found is 99 Bitcoins.  He does a good job of breaking down the basics of cryptocurrency.  Another great video that is educational and entertaining in this one by Andrei Jikh: How to Buy Bitcoin Safely. 
  2. Buying Crypto - I put off buying any and finally jumped in with a small amount a few years ago.  Turns out investing in Bitcoin, albeit a small amount, helped me understand how it and blockchain works. 

I still have a lot learn as the new cryptocurrencies are popping up what feels like every day.  But the basics and a decent understanding are essential. 

What other resources have you found?