Standards Professional Development

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if you will be participating in Professional Development over the summer that relates to "standards."  If so, would you be so kind to share some information about it?  I believe that it will be interesting to learn about the PD that is being offered to adult educators in different states. 

Meryl Becker-Prezocki, SME


In Delaware we are offering three workshops, one each  for Reading, Writing, and Math,  related to the CCR Standards for Adult Education.  Each workshop will provide participants with copies of the CCR, information about the 2014 GED, what this means for Delaware, and instructional strategies and best practices for standards-based instruction.  Certified teachers in each content area will be facilitating each workshop. 

Hi Jeri,

Thank you for explaining what the state of Delware is offering to adult educators this summer.  Can you tell us how the instructors have prepared in order to deliver the workshops?  Have they participated in any trainings on standards that they are going to share with the others?

Meryl Becker-Prezocki, SME



In West Virginia, our ABE State Director established a Curriculum Team in 2011 to learn about and then work in small groups to create integrated trainings related to the CCRs, Depth of Knowledge, Universal Design, and Lesson Planning.  We had the first opportunity to present the trainings to instructors at a week long Teacher Academy in the spring of 2013.  The instructors who participated in the Academy are now working with the members of the Curriculum Team to "fine tune" the workshops and materials.  These instructors, in turn, will deliver the trainings regionally to other ABE instructors in the state and at a statewide conference in the fall.


Thank you for sharing with the College and Career Standards Community.  It sounds like West Virginia has a sound plan.  I would like to ask two questions.  What kind of feedback are you getting from the instructors that participated in the spring training?  What kind of resources are being used in the workshops?

Meryl Becker-Prezocki, SME

The week long Academy was both intense and intensive; in their final evaluations, many of the experienced instructors indicated that it was the best professional development they had ever attended.  Participants also had the opportunity to provide feedback through posting questions or concerns on a parking lot; each morning the Academy opened with discussion of those postings.  The trainings were extremely interactive and hands-on and everyone contributed.  There was also ample opportunity to relax and enjoy each other's company in the evening--an outdoor bbq, a tech show, etc.  Most of the instructors at the Academy have also completed a follow-up activity--preparing and delivering a lesson using the College and Career Ready standards and DOK.  These lessons have been posted and will be available for other instructors to use.

The Curriculum Team used a number of different resources--both for learning about the standards and for creating the trainings.  Some resources were online, but we also used Larry Ainsworth's "Unwrapping the Standards," "2014 GED Test Curriculum Blueprint," which is aligned with the common core, and "Training from the Back of the Room."


We are very much interested and appreciative of the comments and sharing on this topic, as this is exactly where we are at this point in time!  I don't have much to add to the discussion, except please keep it coming and thank you for sharing ideas and resources!