Summarizing vs Paraphrasing

There is a good discussion taking place in the College and Career Standards community: "How do you teach summarizing?" You might want to review the discussion and resources shared at

We have discussed this important skill in the past when we also discussed the related skill of paraphrasing (, which many people confuse with summarizing. How do you distinguish between those in your instruction? Do you think that summarizing and paraphrasing are useful skills for the workplace as well as for HSE testing? If so, how so?

Leecy Wise, Moderator
Reading and Writing CoP

Comments   (somehow the period got included in the link you had before so it got me a 404)

For some students, copying and pasting has been how they hid major reading  deficits.

  Some of them don't even know what summarizing *is.*   Often they're terrified of revealing themselves w/ their much simpler summaries.   1:1 I can just talk 'em through -- and stress that I want to hear the most simple summary -- but as a sentence that says who or what was the main topic... and what happened to it.   We sometimes talk about TV shows or movies -- how do you describe them to your friends?  

Susan, thanks for the heads up on the link, which I have fixed. Wish all fixin' were that easy! :)

I also use your good strategies in helping students get comfortable with summarizing. They do it every day and don't know it. Now paraphrasing is another skill, which I group at a higher level. What do you think? Leecy