Technology Integration Action Plan - Lesson Plan

I just finished the online course, Integrating Technology in the Adult Education Classroom. I am  in the process of writing a new technology curriculum document for my ABE program at a Community College.This class was very helpful in content and supporting research documents. I included much of the information from the class in my curriculum document. 

Here is a lesson plan that I have used for the last 4 years, but will not tweak to use some new technology ideas from this course. 

Lesson Plan Title:

Creating a Family Calendar 


1. Look at student-made calendars from previous years
2. Brainstorm ideas about what students could include in their calendars.
3. Introduce students to the calendar template on MS Publisher using the teacher computer and overhead projector. Hand out a page that describes all the tools that are needed to complete the project.
4. Have students open up the calendar template and start planning what they want in their calendar.
5. Partner beginning students with experienced students and make sure everyone knows who is available to help.
6. Teacher goes around the room giving individual assistance when needed.
7. When projects are completed electronically, students print out pages and bind them.
8. There could also be a discussion on how to post the calendar electronically and invite family members to view it.