Unlearning old habits - growth mindsets for educators


We often discuss the growth mindset for students, but I'd like to apply those concepts to educators. I invite you to review the article Why ‘Unlearning’ Old Habits Is An Essential Step For Innovation..  The focus of the article is why we struggle implementing new ideas and strategies learned in professional development. The author states, '“We’ve all gone to workshops and seminars and learned from a class,” she said. “We go there, gain skills, change mindsets, we get very excited, and then we head back to work and things get in the way. And then we wonder why change isn’t taking place.”

These questions and strategies from the article align, to an extent, with the growth mindset. After you have a chance to review the article, I'd love to hear your thoughts. What prevents you from implementing ideas learned in PD? What strategies help you successfully implement knowledge gained in PD? 

Kathy Tracey