Visit the Adult Literacy Education Wiki

Community of Practice Colleagues,


Everyone, but especially those who may be new to the field of adult literacy education or to a Community of Practice, may want to learn about, use, and perhaps add to our field’s Adult Literacy Education (ALE) Wiki.

Several LINCS CoP Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are long-time Topic Leaders on the ALE Wiki. Their CoP members may find the ALE Wiki as a particularly convenient library for relevant materials from particularly important CoP discussions, or for research links or links to other digitally available published materials pertinent to paricular discussions. I hope other CoP SMEs may also become Topic Leaders on the ALE Wiki.

Visit the ALE Wiki at

Register. If you haven’t yet, consider registering  (free log-in link at the upper right of the main page.)

Add yourself to the Who’s Here page. If you are already listed on the ALE Wiki’s Who’s Here page, at please check to be sure your listing is accurate and up to date. If you aren’t yet there, please list and describe yourself after you have logged in.

 Contribute your knowledge. If you would like to contribute to a wiki page, go ahead. You’ll find directions and help at 

 Be a Topic Leader. If you would like to be a Topic Leader,  or if you would like to start a new topic,  email me.

From my 9/15 post:

In November this year, the ALE Wiki will be eight years old. Like many public wikis (except for generous web hosting support from the New Jersey Association for Lifelong Learning) it is an entirely unsponsored and volunteer project. The ALE Wiki has over 1600 content pages, over 1800 registered users and many, many other readers who do not register. Among the over 30 topics, those that have had between 23,000 and 46,000 page views are Health Literacy, Adult Literacy Professional Development, Corrections Education, Standards, StatePD  (i.e.  professional development opportunities by state), Assessment Information and Technology.

David J. Rosen

ALE Wiki Organizer