Webinar - "Reasoning and Sense Making in Context: Algebra Resources that Support Common Core Standards"

Hello All!

On Tuesday, October 30th, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and Thirteen will jointly present a free webinar at 4 PM ET and 7 PM ET.  This webinar will provide instructors with instructional strategies, support for engaging students in problem solving, reasoning and sense making and the best part is that this material aligns to Common Core Standards.

For more information and to get register:  http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=qg84h4cab&v=0011-h27AIlENhhyUoFSr8quEkgd5dD-GldDgtg8o-sawM3H39epzQBykQ1Ti6KIR2TQmwWPqLwPDFyQPV3UkkQM-1GV185Nhy587_h5YBlYERdVz418eOJoA%3D%3D

If you plan to register to attend please post to this discussion so that after the webinar we can discuss what we heard.


Brooke Istas
Subject Matter Expert
Math and Numeracy



GREAT!  I plan to try to make it on to hear what is being said.  I attended a state-wide K-12 Math Conference this week and the main topic was on Common Core.  The keynote speaker spoke about contextualized instruction and on building on what the learner already knows and about conducting discussions in class asking the learners to explain how they obtained their answers and encouraging others to explain their techniques, too.  As I sat in the audience, I smiled because in adult education we do this!  I hope that you and others will sign up, then we can debrief on it in this community!


Our union magazine had an article about how the common core *could* mean really good things in math -- except that it would require serious changes in both textbooks and pedagogy.   It cited two specific examples:  finding common denominators in fractions and explaining multiplying negative numbers (http://www.aft.org/pdfs/americaneducator/fall2011/ae_fall11.pdf ) ... and it was rather validating that the common core did it my way, but sad to see that the textbooks they cited didn't. 

Hi Brooke.

I hope to attend the 7PM webinar, but cannot get on the registration link.  I'm thinking this is due to power outages or other technical glitches from Hurricane Sandy.

Will the webinars still be held?


Karen Layton

Instructional Manager, Adult Literacy, Northampton Community College

Hello all!

I just received notification that the webinar scheduled for today to provide instructors with instructional strategies, support for engaging students in problem solving, reasoning and sense making and the best part is that this material aligns to Common Core Standards has been will be rescheduled due to Hurricane Sandy. 

Sorry All,

Brooke Istas
Math and Numeracy SME

Yes, they do plan to reschedule this webinar.  They have not set a time or date yet but I will let everyone know when I find out.


Here are some of the resources from the Webinar:

Curriculum on "Reasoning and Sense Making", http://www.nctm.org/hsrsm

Math Lessons on "Reasoning and Sense Making", http://www.nctm.org/rsmtasks

Core Math Tools Home page, http://www.nctm.org/coremathtools

"Get the Math", a website with modules that have brief videos and lessons that relate to the common core math standards: http://www.thirteen.org/get-the-math/

"Get the Math", the teacher's resource to the above website:  http://www.thirteen.org/get-the-math/teachers/overview-of-the-lessons/26/

Self-paced lessons for "Get the Math":  http://www.teachersdomain.org./   When you go onto www.teachersdomain.org, search "get the math" to access the self-paced lessons.