Wisconsin Promising Practices Program: English for Health

Dear Health Literacy Colleagues:

Wisconsin Promising Practices Program:  English for Health is a 12-page publication that has been added to the Health Literacy Resource Collection.  The publication provides:

  • a clear and concise summary of the rationale, implementation, and outcomes of a healthcare provider and literacy partnership effort
  • a model for a concise but detailed summary format for a health literacy promising practice (including a budget!)

Along with a brief description of how the Staying Healthy curriculum for ESOL learners was modified, there is a longer description of the “Mock Clinic”, where students interact with volunteer medical and pharmacy students in a health center setting and practice things like filling out forms, making appointments, talking with doctors about health issues, and filling prescriptions.

Read more about Wisconsin’s Promising Practices Program

Take a look…what do you think? 

Cynthia Zafft

Health Literacy Moderator