Women in the Workforce

Several years ago, I read Sheryl Sandburg's book, Lean In. One of the most powerful comments I read was, “We are most effective when we are able to lean in fully to the resource of the other people in our lives.” If you haven't read the book, check out a brief synopsis. Sandburg's focus is on how women are challenged to move ahead in the workplace. "Sandberg devotes only three of the book’s 11 chapters to work/family balance. The rest are about how women can take charge of their own careers and push forward at a time when gender bias is more alive and well than most of us may want to admit." Sandburg's work is a contrast to Anne-Marie Slaughter's article, Why Women Still Can't Have It All. 

With these ideas in mind, I'd like to open a discussion on your career and professional development needs. What challenges are you facing in the workplace, and in the home / work balance? How are you moving forward in your career and what resources have helped you get there? We have close to 1,600 members in this group and I'd love to see us create a 'circle' of support. Share your thoughts, concerns, ideas, and questions.