Workforce and Industry Partnerships

The following comes directly from the Department of Labor Newsletter for February 6, 2014.


Community College ConnectionsActing Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Eric Seleznow with AACC President Walter Bumphus during the American Association of Community Colleges Workforce Development Institute gathering in St. Petersburg, FL. Click for a larger photo.

Partnerships between workforce investment boards and community colleges are vital to providing Americans with effective job-driven skills training, Acting Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Eric Seleznow said at a recent meeting in Florida. Seleznow addressed the annual American Association of Community Colleges Workforce Development Institute gathering in St. Petersburg. Speaking to about 700 community college presidents, Workforce Investment Board leaders and nonprofit executives, Seleznow said, "Strong relationships between WIBs and community colleges mean more opportunities for Americans to build their skills and fill the jobs employers have today." He also lifted up promising practices emerging from the initial three rounds of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training program in areas such as competency-based learning and accelerated remediation. A fourth round of funding will be announced in the coming months.

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